Much economic analysis of tax regimes focuses on the optimal system: the maximum marginal rate, the balance between taxes on consumption and income, the need to reduce loopholes and so on. 许多对税收体制的经济分析集中于优化系统:最大化边际税率,平衡消费和收入之间的税收,需要减少漏洞等等。
The existing method is to determine the cutoff grade of ore draw by calculating the marginal balance of revenue-expenditure of one blast step but not whole block or ore body. 现行的方法是按每个崩矿步距(而不是整个矿块或矿体)计算收支平衡条件,从而确定放矿截止品位的。
And in co-ordination with maths methods, we will introduce the relative theory in management, such as marginal balance, the flexibility in enterprise management, and the idea of stability, etc. 同时,结合数学方法我们介绍了有关的经营管理原理,如边际平衡原理,企业经营的灵活性、稳定性等概念。
This model based on marginal cost not only can comprise economy information which can guide the power system operate economically, but also can accomplish the balance between income and expenditure. So the model can make the transmission system operate correctly and develop normally. 该模型以边际成本法为基础,不仅包含充分的经济信息使之能有效地引导电力系统的经济运行,而且能做到年收支的基本平衡,以保证输电系统本身的正常营运和发展。
The paper explains the difference of tax evasion and tax avoidance, and then, in stand and of taxpayer, analyzes the process of tax evasion with marginal revenue and marginal cost, indicates decisive factor what affects taxpayer's the best balance point of tax evasion. 本文首先对偷税和避税的概念进行明确解释,然后从纳税人的角度,利用边际收益和边际成本的比较分析方法阐明其偷税的决策过程,并指出了影响纳税人最佳偷税均衡点的决定性因素;
Combining condition of Luxi cattle production, breeding, market and further developing trend, calculated the marginal profit of the three kind traits-growth, carcass quality and Reproduction by balance method. 结合我国鲁西黄牛的生产、育种、市场条件和对未来的发展趋势,采用差额法计算了3类性状共6个育种目标性状的边际效益,并通过对其标准化。
The influence of marginal water irrigation on the dynamic balance of soil salinity and sodicity, as well as crop yield under shallow groundwater table, was investigated. 通过在以色列的大田试验,分析了劣质水灌溉对浅埋地下水位条件下土壤盐碱动态和作物产量的影响。试验在安装有暗管排水系统的试验田中进行。
In the consideration of marginal effectiveness, preliminarily explores an reasonable balance between increase of public transport operation cost and decrease of the average transfer coefficient. 基于边际效益初步探索了公共交通运营成本与平均换乘系数下降之间的一个合理平衡。
Marginal entrance becomes a sound choice that can balance various aspects. 边缘性进入便成为能够平衡各方面的选择。